When asked what is the best thing about living in Bend, we have to answer honestly and say, “Everything!” Home to the beautifully natural and the extraordinarily wonderful, the attractions that make us happy to call Bend home are the very things that attract people to our town. Natural Bend attractions such as Lava Island Falls and the Majestic Mt. Bachelor and historic attractions such as the Reid School and the Deschutes Historical Museum are just a small part of what makes Bend special.
The Sunriver Nature Center and the High Desert Museum are our way of contributing to the natural beauty of Bend while conserving and protecting to ensure we remain interesting and relative for centuries to come. There are parks for families, parks for nature lovers, and parks for the history buff; Farewell Bend Park combines all three with a lumber mill-themed playground, trails along the Deschutes River, and the site where Oregon pioneers would rest before continuing their treacherous journey of exploration. Covered wagons mark the spot at the park entrance; your children will be entertained and unknowingly educated when they explore the Oregon trail kiosk next to these attractions in Bend Oregon!
Keep reading for more information on these and other fascinating Bend Oregon attractions that make Bend the perfect destination for your next vacation!