There’s nothing worse than returning from a dream vacation and discovering it’s going to take a year or longer to pay off the credit card debt you incurred. Vacations can be expensive, but if you do them right, there’s no need to quake over the arrival of your bill when you return home; making smart choices is easy when you start by renting one of our Bend Vacation Rentals vacation escapes. Our homes are beautiful, comfortable, and reasonably priced. And because you have our helpful staff at your side, we are providing this list of free Bend activities to help you save even more!
Visit the Arnold Ice Caves
Chances are you have never had the opportunity to visit an ice cave before and may not even know what they are; all of that is about to change! The simple answer as to what an ice cave is can be found in their name; the Arnold Ice Caves are caves filled with ice! The description doesn’t describe the sheer beauty you will find in these underground edifices found on the side of the Newberry Volcano, though, so visiting them is the only way to truly understand the wonders contained therein. The High Desert Museum in Bend has maps on how to get to the caves. This is an activity that should probably only be attempted by adults, so if you have young children, save the caves for next time! The caves are closed from November through mid-April.
Take a Day Trip to Painted Hills
You have to drive some ways for this next adventure, so, due to gas costs, it technically isn’t free, but it’s worth every penny. Considered one of the Seven Wonders of Oregon, the layers of colored hills will take your breath away! Hiking through the Painted Hills will give you the feeling you are on a different planet. To get here, follow US-26 E for 86.4 miles from Bend. You won’t need a sign to tell you that you arrived!
Walk in the Footsteps of Our Ancestors
The Bend area was a popular stop on the Oregon Trail, and Pilot Butte was once a landmark that allowed the travelers to gauge how far they had journeyed! Located in the Cascade Volcanic Arc, the cinder cone of a long dormant volcano marks the spot that offers the best sunset views in Bend and gives today’s visitors the opportunity to experience history at its finest.
Your Day’s Travels and Bend Activities Can Be Tiring
And once you are back in your Bend Vacation Rentals sweet escape, you’ll appreciate the premium beds that are cloud soft and topped with high thread count linens! Reserve yours today!